Resources For, or Pertaining Specifically to, People of Color
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Offering networking, support and social opportunities, their website includes resources on coming out for individuals of Asian pacific islander descent.
Their site includes information on black trans male pioneers, and has a support network for black trans men. They also produce a transgender advocacy conference.
This group works across race and gender to end sexism, homophobia, and transphobia while encouraging health forms of masculinity. They do so through advocacy, producing original materials, and organizing events.
This nation-wide organization works to end violence against women of color, and trans people of color, while their website has a collection of useful downloads and other resources.
Dedicated to empowering black LGBT people, their site includes essays, downloads and resources on diverse topics, and a useful media center.
Organization that advocates for LGBT Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander rights, supports immigration initiatives, and hosts a yearly conference on these issues.
News, trends, media, resources, and articles for and about queer women of color across the gender history and presentation spectrum.
The national social justice organization that promotes the interests of trans people of color, their website links to their active twitter and Facebook pages.
Based in NYC, they offer resources, support, and information for Latina transwomen at the local and national level.